Creating online blog on Google blogger free

Creating online blog on Google blogger free is really simple that anyone can do in minutes .You need not any vast web development knowledge to do this task.

 Create online blog in blogger | Google Blogger

In this tutorial I will describe to Create online blog in blogger on Google platforms for free. Just keep patience and follow up all my steps to create a blog on Google blogger today.

Creating a blog on Google blogger free

Step 1 Create Gmail account

If you have any Gmail account before it’s recommended to open new Gmail account for new blogger blog. With fresh Gmail account you can manage all your blogger task easily than before.

Step 2 Select Domain name  

Select a domain name for your blog first so that you can decide what you will write on your blog. 

Many blogger always skip this part but I think this is very important matter to rank well. If you don’t know how to research domain this article will help.

Step 3 Create a blog

Go to and click on create a blog button .it redirect you on the page below

Create online blog in blogger | Google Blogger

Step 4  Set Blog Title 

Enter your blog title name in the blog field and put your blog address in the address field.

Step 5  Select Theme 

Select a theme from default chart on blogger

Step 5  Click on create blog and done.

You have successfully created your first blogger blogs now. Click on view blog from dashboard left side on blogger to see your created blog preview .

Wow! You blog is live on internet now.

Final Words

I hope this tutorial helped you creating a blog on Google blogger for free. This is very simple template .Gradually we develop our templates by blogger tips tricks. You may find more how to write blog post in 5 minutes.

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