Add or change H1 h3 tags on blogger for High SEO Blog

Today This Add or change H1 h2 tags on blogger tutorial I am going to show you How you change your h1,h3 tags on blogger for getting better SEO Score.

Basically Our Default blogger template is not highly efficient for Header tags like h1, h2, h3, h4 … .many Bloggers are facing this problem when they are doing blogger as blogging platform.

Have you ever seen that after posting any blog on blogger your h1 and h2 will not show according to header rules like Title on h1 and subtitle on h2?

This is really a key problem when you are posting blog but post is not indexing appropriately in search engine like Google.

The only reason is that you are missing H1 and H2 tag on their adequate position. If you place header tags on their spot I am sure your post will detectable in the early hours.

Also Read –How to Check SEO Score in Your website

Content Index

1. Why H1 H3 Tags should be changed on blogger
2. Add or change H1 h3 tags on blogger
2.1 Add or change H1 h3 tags on blogger
2.2 Change h3 tag into h1
2.3 Find more h3 tags
2.4 Find out h1 Tag and change to H2 tag
2.5 Save template
3. Final Words

Why H1 H3 Tags should be changed on blogger

On blogger h1 (header one) defined as h3 (Header three) and h2 (header two) defined as h1 (Header One) which make difficulty to find out your post title and sidebar title.

It’s a major problem that many blogger facing still now.Whether you install custom template or not, you need to change h1 h3 tags on blogger urgently if you want to see your blog showing on top search result.

Generally in my past experience I noticed so many times that h1 converted h3 tags and h2 tags converted as h1 on blogger default or custom template.
If you are facing same trouble on your blogger templates then this tutorial helps you for sure.

Add or change H1 h3 tags on blogger

Step 1 :   Find h1 Tags

Go to blogger Dashboard and click on theme from left corner in bottom side
Click on Edit html and find out below code
Step 2  :Change h3 tag (Blog Post ) into h1

Change above <h3> tag with <h1> tag and close all tags as </h1>. Otherwise it will not work. This is mandatory part so don’t skip this .

Step 3   : Find more h3 tags

Find Out same above code again. if any h3 will have found just change it <h3> to <h1> tag again. Please close all tags with </> in the end. Other wise it will not work .Now come to the second one.

Step 4  :  Find Out h1 Tag and change to H2 tag

From Edit Html Find out this code “ ” and change h1 to h2 .

Step 5  Save template

Click on save template
Now you can notice that your post title have h1 tags and sidebar title covered h2 tags. It looks great. It is also fully SEO optimized header.

Final Words

Hope this tutorial Add or change H1 h3 tags on blogger Helped you to change h1 h3 tags for better SEO .

You may have to read more How to do One page SEO on blogger settings.Find us also on our social media platform like facebook,twitter. Don’t forget to share my post to your friend.

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